
Daily Snap: Cactus Man

Day 10: 3.23.2009
Near Water Canyon, Los Alamos, NM

Java and I were out for a walk when I saw a stick figure Cactus Man with outstretched arms. With a cactus hat. We walked around to the front and Cactus Man even had a nose. He either has lobster claw hands or is flashing gang signs. Either way, I was impressed.

Daily Snap: Bang Bang!

Day 9: 3.22.2009

Los Alamos Sportsmen's Club, NM

Yes, that's me! First picture of me on the blog AND first time I ever shot a pistol at a Ladies FIRST Steps Pistol Class. Since New Mexico's got its guns, I figured it was a good idea to learn the safety ins-and-outs.

Daily Snap: Rototill

Day 8: 3.21.2009

My Garden, Los Alamos, NM


Daily Snap: Office S'mores

Day 7: 3.20.2009
My office desk

Yum: Office S'mores

Have you ever assembled s'more ingredients from your pantry with the intent of recreating a campfire moment? With unroasted marshmallows and unmelted Hershey's chocolate, it's just not the same. Tasty, but just not the real deal.
Well, the following events turn out dee-licious. Seriously.

  1. Bring in leftover graham cracker pack from most recent camping trip. Stash in desk drawer.
  2. Bring in leftover candy from Halloweeen, St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, etc. Stash in desk drawer. Give away to coworkers when asking for favors. Eat when blood sugar crashes.
  3. Lament insufficient, although tasty, packed lunch. Browse through Drawer of Snacks. Find Russell Stover Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Santa.
  4. Rip Santie Claus in half. Smush him into two graham cracker sandwiches. Be amazed at how satisfying the Room Temperature S'more is! Mallow= gushier than a standard mallow. Chocolate coat= thin enough, no melting required.
  5. Consider finding these just to recreate the moment.
  6. Write first real blog post about it.


Daily Snap: Commute

Day 6: 3.19.2009
I-25 Northbound, just south of Santa Fe
Driving to work from C's house.


Daily Snap: Chaos

Day 5: 3.18.2009
C's living room, Rio Rancho

Another canine introduction: This is Chaos, C's dog. I dubbed him Supermodel- just look at those legs!


Daily Snap: Dog is My Copilot

Day 4: 3.17.2009

My Altima, somewhere between the ski hill and home

Java's never ridden in the Altima much, since there's no station wagon trunk to keep him in. This was the first time he got the front seat and it went well, considering he'd end up there anyway.


Daily Snap: No shot

I've encountered what probably won't be the first time I didn't take a daily photo. Given, this is not really a full slip-up because I hadn't yet decided to start my Year of Photos. Chances are, though, this will happen and maybe I should decide what to do in advance. Oh, if only I had an established blog with smart readers to ask for input...
  • post a picture from the previous or following day?
  • post no Daily Snap at all?
  • post a Daily Snap sans picture, but be sure to include a witty excuse?
  • how does this affect my numbering scheme?

Day 3: 3.16.2009



Daily Snap: Java Skis

Day 2: 3.15.2009
Lone Spruce, Pajarito Mountain Ski Area
This is Java, the family dog. He loves it when the ski hill closes and I get to take him skinning/skiing. Java- faster on way up, me- faster on way down.


Daily Snap: Gonna Try It

One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog was to better stay in touch with far-off friends and family as I move across the country. Another reason was to take and then share a photo a day, so I think I'll try it after all. This is quite the lofty goal, considering I don't typically take a photo a day and I've never blogged. So here we go- I'll be backdating these so that there's one a day since it's actually a couple days later.

Day 1: 3.14.2009 (just noticed- that was Pi Day*!)
Lumberyard, Pajarito Mountain Ski Area
Fresh snow after the mountain closes. Oh, the irony. Skinned up twice. Skiesta at Pajarito, too.

*Wanna hear my party trick leftover from "Pieces of Pi," my eigth grade science fair project? "Three point one four one five nine two six five three five eight nine seven nine three two three eight four six two six." Sister knows it to thirty.