View down Broadway from the Minskoff Theatre
Mom and I hustled after the busride from Connecticut and caught The Lion King. I wish I could have photographed the costumes.
Daily Snap: Theater District
Daily Snap: Diner
Daily Snap: Bacon and Cheddar
Strauss Park, Broadway and 106ish
That's C's departing bagel from Absolute: bacon and cheddar cream cheese that'll stick to his ribs until the next time he visits me.
Daily Snap: Bays
Holgate, Long Beach Island, New Jersey
...they're also good for walks along the bay, beach cruisers, and jumping of swings into the sunset.
Daily Snap: Beaches
Holgate, Long Beach Island, New Jersey
Sunny days are good for beaches, friends, and fly swatters...
Daily Snap: Ctd.
Nolita House, Houston Street
Lower East Side, somewhere
New York Public Library, 42nd and 5th
... they're also good for bluegrass brunches, Lower East Sides, and beautiful libraries.
Daily Snap: Museums
New York City Fire Museum, Spring Street
Rainy days are great for museums and water taxis to Ikea...
Daily Snap: Arch
Washington Square Park
It was a hot day! I like the kid hugging the fountain spray and the Empire State building poking through the arch (click on the picture to see a larger version).
Daily Snap: Sightseeing
Daily Snap: Bocce Ball
Torrington, Connecticut
C flew in the day before and we took the bus up to visit my mom's family in Connecticut. That's my grandma, aunt, cousin, and C playing bocce ball in the yard.
Daily Snap: Highline
Highline Park looking southwest, Chelsea
It reminds me of the Suedgelaende park in Berlin.
Daily Snap: Mets
Citi Field, Queens
The rescheduled class trip to see the Mets play after the rain-out game.
Daily Snap: FTD
My Room
That sweetheart of mine sent me flowers (and chocolate which wasn't photographed in time) for the end of the semester.