Day 364: 3.13.2010

Aboard Etihad Airways, somewhere over Europe
Since we flew through the night, the windows were shut for almost the entire flight. I'd walk around every few hours, stretch, grab some water, and blast my eyes going from the dark cabin to superbright by looking through the only open window - the lavatory. I saw the snowy Alps and grabbed my camera for that reason, but we were already in the clouds by the time I went back in the lav.
Aboard Etihad Airways, somewhere over Europe
Since we flew through the night, the windows were shut for almost the entire flight. I'd walk around every few hours, stretch, grab some water, and blast my eyes going from the dark cabin to superbright by looking through the only open window - the lavatory. I saw the snowy Alps and grabbed my camera for that reason, but we were already in the clouds by the time I went back in the lav.